Best 5 Most Popular Websites in the World

Which are the most popular Websites in the World? If this question arises in your mind, then you arrived at the most appropriate place.

In today’s era, Computers, and the Internet are the two most important parts of everyone’s life. Whenever people want to get information about something, they prefer to go to Websites to find answers. It is beyond doubt that World Wide Web has truly exploded in popularity. There are millions of sites in various niches that are providing their services every day to visitors. If we talk about the number, there are currently over 1.7 billion websites in existence. However, there are some exceptionally popular sites that are getting billions of visitors every day

Today we will show you the top 5 most popular sites World Wide Web has offered. This ranking has been done on the basis of the approximate number of unique visits a website gathers per month and displays the most visited Websites.

Best 5 Most Popular Websites in the World


For many years, Google manages to remain in the top spot as the most popular website on the Internet. is the most visited website in the world that is owned by Alphabet Inc. On average, this Search Engine has more than 90.1 billion visits per month. Google is the World’s largest Search Engine indexed more than 150 trillion web pages to date. This Search Engine has been online since 1997 and was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

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No matter what you want to know, is the one-stop destination. It is the reason that Google reports over 40K searches per second. Google also serves as the hub of other web services including Google Docs, Google Calendar, Google Drive, and many more. You will be surprised to know that 3% of Google’s organic traffic goes to the “Travel” subfolder.

Type of Website: Search Engine

Visitors: 90.1 billion per month

2) YouTube

YouTube is not a surprising name in the list of most popular websites. It is the most popular Video Streaming Service of the year that beats even Netflix, and Twitch. This website gets over 30 million visitors per day. The interesting part is that around 500 hours of videos are uploaded to the website every minute and more than 1 billion videos are viewed in a day. YouTube has been online since 2005 and owned by Google since 2006.

Type of Website: Video Hosting

Visitors: 35 billion per month

3) Facebook

Facebook is the most popular Social Media Platform that comes at number 3 of the most popular websites in the World. Facebook attracts more than 20.1 billion visitors per month. This website has been online since 2004 and is owned by Meta Platforms. This brilliant platform has truly changed the way people communicate and live their lives. On average, 1.66 billion people on average log onto Facebook daily and are considered daily active users.

According to a study it is found that the average user spends 58 minutes daily on Facebook which clearly indicates its popularity. Its current market value is upwards of $750 billion. Facebook brings new features and updates to make this platform more comfortable.

Type of Website: Social Media Platform

Visitors: $20.1 billion per month

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4) Twitter

Twitter is a microblogging Social Media Platform that becomes popular in recent years. On average, this platform generates around 7 billion visitors per month. Despite giving tough competition to Facebook, the platform lags in certain key areas, particularly in terms of time spent on the website. an average user spent one minute on Twitter daily as compared to 58 minutes on Facebook. This website has been online since 2006 and more than 500 million users have already registered themselves on this platform.

Type of Website: Social Media

Visitors: 7 billion per month

5) Wikipedia

Wikipedia serves as the free Online Encyclopedia which makes it the most popular website in the World. It has been online since 2001 and is currently the only website in the list that is owned by a non-profit organization, the San Francisco-based Wikimedia Foundation to be exact. On average, Wikipedia has around 5.3 billion visits worldwide. This website houses articles on nearly every historical event, location, and topic you can think of. Wikipedia has a building rate of 1.8 edits per second which makes it the most popular website in the World. Presently, Wikipedia contains more than 300 million Articles that are available in 250 different languages. Which is the Best B2B site in Europe?

Type of Website: Encyclopedia

Visitors: 5.3 billion per month


These are the best 5 Most Popular Websites in the World. We guaranteed that some of these websites will still be on the list next year. One thing is quite clear people use the Internet to learn something, communicate with friends, and shop. But nobody knows when a new website will arrive and capture people’s attention. When it happens, we will update it here.

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