13 Ways to Stop Doomscrolling

13 Ways to Stop Doomscrolling: Although doom-scrolling can lead to poor thinking and behavior, this practice needs to end. There are many ways to overcome and reduce the temptation to plunge into the abyss of media and statistics. Mindfulness and more healthy news consumption habits can be developed by making small changes in behavior.

13 Ways to Stop Doomscrolling Are:

  1. Do something else

After realizing that doomscrolling is occurring, the best thing to do is to stop scrolling and turn your attention elsewhere. Alternatively it is advocated to concentrate on something else on the internet or simply turn off the cellphone or log out of the computer.

  1. Set a deadline

While it’s normal to want to stay informed, avoid slipping into “doomscrolling” by limiting time spent scrolling to just 20 minutes.

  1. Looking out for positivity

13 Ways to Stop Doomscrolling: Instead of “doomscrolling,” find positivity by watching something funny, searching family photos, or reading a story about the exact same thing happening internationally. Instead of focusing on the things to fear, practice gratitude and point out the things to be happy about.

  1. Use mindfulness

Pay attention to what kind of feelings the item evokes as you scroll. Try to pay attention to how the frame feels and remember how the mind reacted to the situation.

  1. Avoid Catastrophizing

Catastrophizing is characterized by immediately jumping to the worst-case scenario rather than taking circumstances into account. These ideas are possible but realistically, no longer possible. Instead, question what additional practical consequences the scenario under investigation has.

  1. Engage in thought resolution

Thought-stopping is a cognitive-behavioral approach used to eliminate obsessive or demanding thoughts. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy that is based entirely on evidence and is used to deal with many intellectual health conditions and behaviours.

Instead of compulsively checking the phone and picking it up, try choosing a cellphone consciously and with reason to avoid obsessive doomscrolling. When noticing that phone behavior is compulsive, pause for a time frame and take note of the behavior and the reason for the behavior.

  1. Slow your scrolling

If stopping scrolling behavior seems overwhelming, try slowing down the speed. Awareness on the features within the content rather than the quantity of content is what will create broad interest span. Consciously reminding yourself to set a pace for the content and not rush through it.

  1. Mantras

13 Ways to Stop Doomscrolling: Reading horrific news can cause feelings of hopelessness and despair. Try implementing high-quality mantras, sayings, and slogans at work or around the home. For example, “Everything is going to be great” can help keep a good frame of mind.

  1. Pay attention now

Sometimes the topic of interest and perspective may be on what is going to happen in the future rather than the present moment. Often destiny cannot be predicted or something that can be controlled. Focus on controlling what is happening right now, ask yourself what is happening that will help you better understand this exact factor in time.

  1. Be honest with yourself

Being honest with yourself about the basis of your scrolling can help reduce doomscrolling behavior. Understand what you are looking for, whether it is abandonment of boredom, reassurance, guidance or confirmation of fear. Whatever the reason, being aware of it and trying to find an answer to the root of the problem can be a much healthier way of scrolling.

  1. Digital Health Apps

Although the overall problem of doomscrolling is generational, it is still able to be part of the solution thanks to life in health programs. Those programs, both free and paid, can help calm the mind through meditation and guided readings of high quality and robust content.

  1. Turn off push notifications

Push notifications can be worrisome, especially from notification apps, given that they may be considered more important. Actual reading of the articles is not necessary as the information is bombarded with worrying headlines. Try showing any push notifications from any news apps as a way to maintain control over publicity.

  1. Have screen-free self-care time

13 Ways to Stop Doomscrolling: In these difficult circumstances, it is very important to take care of physical and intellectual well-being. Too much time can be spent looking at screens, so it can be important to rest the eyes and mind through doing things that don’t involve laptops and calls to nurture mental health and the soul.

Sports that can be important for self-care and replenishment of the mind include:

  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Taking a bath
  • Going for a walk or run
  • Writing in a gratitude journal
  • Reading a book
  • Drawing or painting
  • Talking with a loved one

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