What improvements does Apple want to make in 2024?

What improvements does Apple want to make in 2024: Apple is currently in an awkward position in which it needs more than just “trust” and “brand” to win future customers.

2023 will, for all obvious purposes, prove to be the worst year for Apple in recent times. However, records show that Cupertino faced even worse conditions. Despite its huge fan following and stablecoins floating around. The company has experienced declining revenues from iPhones and other flagship products. As well as being embroiled in one controversy after another. In such a hyperactive industry. A small mistake can turn into a major controversy, and it takes a few quarters (or maybe more) to bounce back. Apple is currently in an unusual role in that it needs more than just “perception” and “symbol” to win future customers.

Simplify the iPhone Lineup

Apple features coming in 2024: The flagship iPhone 15 Pro Max is a high-quality phone, and so is the baseline iPhone 15. But, the fact is that they are not all that different from their predecessors. Apart from a few changes here and there, they are essentially the same. You still get the same display screen, same battery life, same design, and slightly better performance. While cameras have progressed significantly. It is not worth upgrading to that extent unless you have a very new model. And this is the main problem with the iPhone. The fact is, Apple has been releasing repackaged versions of the iPhone since the release of the iPhone Are.

What improvements does Apple want to make in 2024: The iPhone has experienced astonishing fulfillment over the past few years, impacting the entire technology enterprise. While it remains the most popular smartphone of all time, sales of iPhones are beginning to slow. Maybe Apple doesn’t care much about this because it’s not impacting revenue. But the truth is that consumers are keeping their phones longer, and fewer people are looking to upgrade to a new phone. It seems like Apple has hit the extra circuit in terms of pricing.

What Apple wants to do, or alternatively, is to streamline the iPhone lineup by reducing the number of iPhone models. Apple sells four models of the iPhone 15, and let’s be honest. They’re pretty complicated. This reminds me of Apple in the early 90s when it offered Macs in a variety of SKUs. The iPhone 15 Plus and iPhone 15 pro feel like a lot less from a value perspective. One is a larger version of the iPhone 15, and the other is a smaller version of the top-line iPhone.

Two versions of the iPhone with big differentiators

It’s time for Apple to get back to basics and release only two versions of the iPhone with big differentiators. One is aimed at the mass market. But with a barely larger display and bigger battery than the baseline iPhone 15 version, and the option that replaces the current Veteran Max version may be packed with more top-rate features.

Additionally, I would like to see Apple make the iPhone more restore-friendly so that customers can easily repair their phones. Thereby reducing exorbitant repair costs. But for that to happen, Apple will have to give up its tight reins on expensive phone maintenance and give control back to customers. Trust me, Apple would still be making billions of rupees.

What improvements does Apple want to make in 2024: Fix a Damaged iPad I’ve been a loyal iPad user since the early days, and I still am. But I’m just as worried as everyone else about the situation with the iPad, and it makes me sad. The biggest problem with the iPad is that Apple’s one is not one-size-fits-all. Go to the iPad section of the Apple online store and you’ll see an old-fashioned ninth-generation iPad, a new generation tenth generation iPad, a… The premium mid-range iPad Air, two effective iPad Pros and an iPad mini. In general, Apple is promoting five types of iPads with add-ons that only work with certain models.

iPad lineup

I will consider how hard it is for an average buyer to decide which iPad to get. If people ask me for an offer, I tell them to get the iPad Mini because I think it’s the closest to the iPad. This is a shame due to the fact that the iPad was supposed to be a device that would bridge the gap between the Mac and the iPhone, and now it feels like something else. A far cry from what Steve Jobs promised.

Simplifying the iPad lineup could be a first step in that direction. The corporation needs to discontinue the 9th generation iPad and update it with a brand new entry-degree version.

The question is how long will Apple keep the 9th generation iPad in the lineup, or if it replaces it at all, will it lower the price of the 10th generation iPad or introduce a modernized version? It can compete with the training market at a lower level. But also dethrone older add-ons like the Apple Pencil of the first era. However, the tenth-generation iPad has not been well received due to its high charge and limited peripheral support.

Magic Keyboard Folio Case

What improvements does Apple want to make in 2024: The iPad Air is another iPad that irritates humans. In fact, the confusion begins when you put the iPad Air. The eleven-inch iPad, and the tenth-generation iPad next to each other. All three have the same display length, but for some reason, Apple has created a separate Magic Keyboard Folio Case, that fits best with the 10th generation iPad. Apple wants to fix the iPad Air by increasing the screen length or updating the processor. It also needs to maintain the charge of the following technology device the same as the last technology version. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the iPad Air has gone from a mid-range offering to a high-end territory due to slow fee growth over the past few years (not including the prices of accessories). 

OLED screens

So Apple justified the higher offer rate to maintain buyer interest in the iPad Air. Perhaps the most puzzling factor of the current iPad lineup is how it pitches the high-end iPad Pro. First of all, there are one kind of model, and except for the difference in screen size. The meaning of each fashion is the same. According to reports, brand new models are on the horizon, though. As they may feature OLED screens, an M3 chip, and a redesigned Magic Keyboard. However this will no longer be enough to make the iPad Pro even better. Apple only wants a high-sacrifice iPad Experience Edition, and that too with hardware more than just quality. Until Apple figures it out, the iPad version will continue to sell poorly. 

However, the problem additionally lies in iPadOS. Which may seem simple but in practice, will not come close to macOS in usability and practicality. Apple deliberately disrupted iPadOS, fearing that the iPad would kill Mac sales. Apple has been slow to add the capabilities that would truly make the iPad a replacement for the MacBook Air. It’s time for Apple to take the approach it wants the iPad to: hold the tablet the way it was meant to be or make it the exact same way as a Mac notebook.

Get GenAI in Siri

What improvements does Apple want to make in 2024: If there’s one question humans are looking for an answer to, it’s far and away: What is Apple doing in the generative AI field? As of now. The AI race is being fought between tech giants like Microsoft, Google, Adobe and Amazon, although Apple is nowhere to be seen. Meanwhile, OpenAI is leading the way in AI communication with ChatGPT and its alleged AI device in collaboration with former Apple fashion designer Jony Ive. Apple, on the other hand, seems quiet and has not disclosed how it plans to provide generative synthetic intelligence skills in its hardware and software programs. Now it’s not like Apple hasn’t added AI to its intermediate products. But when it comes to generic AI, we haven’t heard anything concrete from Cupertino so far.

It’s no surprise that Apple’s voice assistant Siri looks old and slow. With the improvements in Gen AI and the way its competitors, like Amazon, have embraced this generation (Alexa is powered through Generative AI and is primarily based on a new, custom-built giant language version). The pressure on Apple is how it can leverage AI and produce ChatGPIT-like AI chatbots natively for its popular devices and apps while keeping privacy in mind. Apple’s device learning study team recently released a framework called MLX for building foundation models, so turning Siri into hands-free ChatGPT is probably a long shot. If that happens this year, nothing better than this. Otherwise Apple risks losing the advantage it has had on other gamers. Keeping its wares away from general AI smarts.

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